Register an Account

If you have you already created an account but can't remember your password please click here to re-set your password.  
If you are a Conestoga College employee and would like to post an on-campus job opportunity please register for a Staff/Faculty account. 

Organization Information
Organization Profile
Division Information
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Division Profile

User Information
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Login Information






Contact Information



Province / State:*



 (FORMAT: X#X #X#)

 e.g. 519 748-5220






Type of Business (NAICS Code):*
North American Industrial Classification System

Conestoga Alumnus / a:

Address Type:

Phone Type:

In order to be able to work with us to support your recruitment needs we need to be able to send you email communication.   If you do not consent to receive email messages, you will not receive any system generated email messages related to your recruitment efforts other than password reset instructions.    This consent includes invitations to job fairs.   We do not send excessive mass marketing messages. This consent is for Conestoga Co-op, Career Services and the Career Centre.   

CASL = Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation


Are you interested in recruiting graduates, co-op students or receiving information about other employer services such as Corporate Training? Please select one so we may better serve you.

Services you are interested in:*

If applicable, please indicate the program areas you may be interested in hiring from - now or in the future. 
Programs of Interest: